"Though he came late to the game, he is a hard worker who pushes himself further towards his potential - towards his future as a dancer." - Les Watanabe, Mentor
Javan's dance journey did not begin until the end of his final high school year. Though his intention was an acting role, he was given Russian + Bottle dancer in Corvallis High School's Fiddler on the Roof - the final theatrical production of that year. There, he was fatefully introduced to the Artistic Directors of Rainbow Dance Theater [RDT] Valerie Bergman and Darryl Thomas. Encouraged to hone his potential, he went on to study dance.
In Spring of 2017, he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Dance and Sociology. Since attending college at Western Oregon University, Mngrezzo has continued to grow in technical ability, pedagogical versatility, and choreographic vision.